Hello all;
I'm using the "Chain and Rope" asset to build a rope attached to my Movable character on one side, and fixed to a position on the other side. ( I was trying to do it by myself, but I'm new with Joints, and this asset gave me a god insight).
However, I’m having some problems to make it work as I want, and maybe you could help me or tell me what I could be doing wrong.
I want a rope (or a chain, I don’t mind), connected on one side to a movable character (but this character moves with transform, not with rigidbody), and the other side of the rope/chain just fixed to the world/some object.
What I have done is the following:
1. I created an empty gameObject inside my movable CharacterController, and added to it a Joint (I tried with both Hinge and Character-Joint).
2. Then I added a rigid body, and set it to Kinematic.
3. I connected this Hinge to the End of the rope (made of Hinge Joints). I also tried with a chain make of character joints. (BLUE CIRCLE):
4. I set constrains to the parent piece of the rope (RED CIRCLE).
NOTE: You can already see some weird twisted parts (GREEN ARROW).
![alt text][1]
**My problem:** The rope acts weird; If I use a chain made of Character ropes, it explodes when I move the end of the chain (which is attached to my kinematic rigidbody, which is moved with Transform.move.). If I use the rope-like, with Hinge-joints, happens what you can see in the Gifs. It twists itself and do weird things. It bounces to much, and it's not what I want to achieve. **Here a GIF**:
What is happening? Can I set the rope to be more “static” and less “bouncy”? Like if a real human was carring a rope around the map.
**Some images** of the components/joints (They came almost exactly like this by default)
![alt text][2]
Thank you so much,
[1]: /storage/temp/78598-screen1.png
[2]: /storage/temp/78599-hierarchy.png